toto : the global movement

29 January 2005 at 5:32 (toto)

toto is doing great work in the field of technological toilets

I saw lots of toto toilets during my transit through Japan in my recent world treck, although none were quite this impressive. Lotto Toto was also spotted throughout Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy.

good job, pat on the back. Doing the team proud totos

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that is not possible…

28 January 2005 at 1:27 (General)

I was researching laptops for a friend today when I came across this. It is a tale from 1998. A redhat linux reseller (who is now the organiser of the LinuxSA User’s Group) was trying to buy a Toshiba without M$ winblows preinstalled and it caused plenty of grief.

Dell do a similar trick today. If you buy a cheap Dell Inspiron 725 Notebook you’ll spend the first few hours getting rid of all of the bundled advertising installed on it. It comes with 3 ISP trials (Ozemail, AOL and Telstra) as well as Norton internet security, Dell media experience and Microsoft Works. I understand people wanting to buy a computer with windows preinstalled but even that should at least be optional. The rest of the stuff they’ve installed there would be a thorn in my side. They give you a fresh install of an operating system riddled with adware and advertising.

On a related matter, recently my brother was installing a fresh copy of XP onto his new home built machine, first boot there is a system error and he has to restart before the system had loaded.

For those such as myself, who have avoided this whole headache and purchased a mac, I recommend you check out quicksilver. I’ve only used it for a few days but already I think it’s spectacular.

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the paradoxial pen of doom

3 January 2005 at 12:23 (General)

Without prior knowledge my sweet grandma gave me a personalised pen for Christmas. it reads: Matthew: A man full of self confidence, his promises are always kept.

This seemed like an innocent and caring gesture, that is until my dear brother was sitting on my bed examining the pen. In a moment of evil genius, including thunder in the background (no exaggeration). he stands and demands me to repeat after him:

“say, I promise i am not full of confidence”

the words leave my mouth with little consideration for the dire consequences. The paradox is formed. I realise, all to late, that the very fabric of my being cannot sustain stability under such a contradictory environment lacking any form of logic.

A sharp pain floods from the depths of my soul, up my spine into my frontal lobes. A deeper spasm follows. It’s like there’s an electrical storm in my head. Delirium. The sound of my brothers voice is distorted and distant and the pressure on my eyes forces the world to seep into blackness. I need release. I scream and fall face first into the bed. I roll in pain and scream some more until my body is depleted of air. I gasp for oxygen and thrust another yelp, yearning for release. After some time the world begins its return. The spinning slows and the sounds of iTunes come nearer. I don’t understand how, but I have survived. I lie still, painting from intense the moment of fear.

Those pens should come with a warning.

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