
3 July 2008 at 14:01 (Uncategorized)

A loose transcription of Dr Larry Fleinhardt‘s dialogue, from Numb3rss2e01

Are you familiar with, quantum entanglement? It’s a theory that holds that photons come in pairs that are separated by space and time, but always in instantaneous, inexplicable communication. Einstein calls it a “spooky action at a distance.” I find the notion fairly romantic.

I mean, we affect each other, even when we don’t mean to, even when we don’t want to, we’re connected. Even when we try to be unaffected.

The universe is accelerating at such a rate that someday eventually it will all fly apart and all matter will just drift alone and become disconnected. How sad that would be if human beings were to behave in a similar fashion? After considerable inner debate, I find that the risks of human contact are more than compensated for by the rewards.

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